Prototipo que participará: Z5


        Prototype: Z5
        Overall place: 42 of 95 competitors.

          Cost Report: 7
        Sales presentation: 19

        Endurance: 33
        Hill Climb: 36
        Acceleration: 43

        Design: 45
        Rock Crawl: 54


         Prototipo: Z5

        Resultado General: 14 de 36 competidores.

        Arrastre: 4
        Lodo: 7
        Pendiente: 9

        Rock Crawling: 10
        Resistencia: 13 



        Prototype: Z4
        Overall place: 86 of 91 competitors.


  • Baja SAE International:  ? 2005 


        Prototype: ?
        Overall place: 118 of 119 competitors.


        Prototype: ?
        Overall place: 83 of 85 competitors.

        Prototype: ?
        Overall place: 95 of 100 competitors.


        Prototype: ?
        Overall place: 94 of 101 competitors.